Sunday, August 12, 2012

Good bye Olympic Games

The Olympics are over tonight.  I love watching the Olympics.   I look forward to not only the events but the athlete profiles.  But man, I.  AM. TIRED!!  They have been keeping me up til midnight for the past two weeks.  They have kept my attention despite sometimes knowing who wins the gold.  They have me in awe.  They have me motivated.  At times I was surprised.  Who the heck knew there was Olympic Trampoline? They make it hard to get out of bed at 5:45 to run or get to work by 7.  It’s a good thing this only happens every few years.

I had a great time participating in Virtual Track Star.  I loved finding out how my time compares to the Olympians.  Apparently I would need to improve my 10k time by 19 minutes to make the next Olympic team.  That is insane!  Unfortunately due to the crazy humidity this week I never held the track meet for the kids I intended and did most of the short distances on the treadmill.  There was a lot of sweat and breathlessness. 

This morning I completed the Marathon portion with a twenty miler at 6am to avoid the heat.  I met my friend Beth and we ran the first 12 miles together. I ran the entire 17 mile trail and repeated a mile and a half out a back section to make up the difference.  I park in the middle of the trail and refilled my water two times.  Summer running in the northeast can be difficult.  I don’t know how you southerners do it month after month. 
Before my icebath I had my son take my picture with my score card.  Can you tell that my braids are dripping with sweat?  I peeled my clothes off and put them in the washer immediately. 

Happy, restful, Olympic free sleeping folks.  

Guess what? Now it’s Shark Week!  My husband is already watching.  I hope I don’t get sucked into that.

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